Help my Mac please.

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • johndiggity0

    It's a sawtooth. I'm not sure where the button is on those, I'd imagine it's near the same place I said. Do a search at the Apple Knowldge Base for resetting the logic board on your model and they should have pics.

    Kind of a funny story, but mine got all fucked up when some plumbers working in the next room started flicking the lightswitch on and off about 100 times to try and turn the lights on. Little did they know that the switch was connected to the outlet my computer was pluged into. I flipped my shit on them after I went to restart and the light just faintly glimmered and died. I had even put a piece of metal across the lightswitch to keep people from using it. But that's what I did to fix mine. now everytime the power goes out unexpectedly, even with a surge protector, I ahve to rese the logic board. Fucking plumbers. I learned how to fix my computer, and learned how to do all my own plubing after that.

    Oh and besure the power cord is disconnected before you plug it back into the machine.

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