Lawyer Sites

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • mg330

    There are some great law firm sites out there, you just have to look for what makes them good. Great graphics, etc, etc. are not the main point.

    I work in Marketing at a law firm in Chicago and handle every aspect of our web site. I've spent alot of time looking at what other law firms are doing with their sites, and the main thing I come across is that the good ones give people a reason to come back every single day. Things like commentary on various legal issues in a blog style is actually a new trend in legal websites, and not many sites are doing it. That's something I'm trying to push for with our site.

    But the bottom line can have all the great frequently updated info in the world, but if it doesn't bring clients in, and bring revenue in, it's kind of just "there."

    The main thing I've noticed as I've been analyzing all this stuff is that search engine placement is terribly lacking in the legal world. People either underestimate it or don't know what it is. Times have changed too, when I started learning alot about placement in 1999 and 2000, meta tags were the thing, now most search engines don't even rank sites that way. It was news to me.

    People don't search for law firms by typing in a firm's name. They look for things like "New York corporate law firm" or "real estate law firm" or "estate planning law," and so on. are going to find alot of bad legal sites out there. I temped for a few months at the firm KMZ Rosenman, and they have a pretty nice site. They're a huge firm, though, 500 attorneys alone in the Chicago office.

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