I LOVE microsoft

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • lament0

    LOL ershinn.

    i read your drivel all the way through because, well, you took a lot of time on it, and although I'm a PC guy, I did get a kick out of your post.

    i would love to spew forth all the Mac problems I've had when I used one at work, but i won't.

    let me say this: if you're having install problems from the beginning, then shit's not going to work right for you - don't you think? that solves half of your complaints right there.

    it's obvious that since you have a Dell, which comes pre-installed with an OS, that it didn't come with Windows XP and you're trying to install it.

    or if it did come pre-installed with XP, and you have to reinstall it after 2 months, you need to talk to Dell because they f**cked up your machine - or YOU f**cked up your machine.

    Dell is crap, and honestly - you get what you pay for. They use generic no-name parts, for the most part. It's the AOL of PCs. In other words, there are other, much better choices.

    and i assume you're doing a clean install of XP (reformatting and reinstalling)?

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