what the font ????

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • Duane0

    Here's some interesting history on that font. I can't attest to it's validity (found on google), but it's interesting. Please post if you locate a place that sells it.

    "The Avant Garde typefaces were drawn by Tom Carnase when he was a principal in a design firm called Lubalin, Smith & Carnase. Tom's drawings were removed, photo-statted by Herb Lubalin, without Tom's knowledge or permission, and they were handed over to ITC cofounder, Aaron Burns. Aaron wasn't part of Lubalin, Smith & Carnase.

    ITC was founded by two entities. Half of the ownership belonged to Lubalin, Burns, and Company; the other half
    belonged to Photo-Lettering, Inc. (Photo-Lettering did all
    of ITC's early production work before the age of digital
    type. Later, ITC contracted with URW to do production.)

    Tom Carnase did not have stock in ITC or its parent firms. He was a victim of ITC's thoughtlessness. He got gypped, and ITC never made amends. I visited Tom at his studio in NYC, around 1985, and he showed me the original artwork for the Avant Garde typefaces. How he ever managed to get the artwork back from ITC (if indeed ITC did, at one time,
    have the actual artwork in its possession) I do not know.
    But that's really not the main point. The main point is this:

    The artwork never belonged to ITC, nor to Photo-Lettering, nor to Lubalin, Burns, & Company. If it belonged in part to Herb Lubalin, his part was probably only one third. (Hardly enough claim majority ownership -- let alone authorship.)

    Eventually, there was a big blowup between Herb & Tom.
    Ed Benguiat witnessed it and he told me all about it. Ed
    got caught in the middle. From what I gather, it wasn't a pretty scene. Tom ended up destroying piles of type he'd drawn while he was working as Herb's partner. Luckily, he didn't destroy *all* of it. Soon after, LS&C dissolved.

    To this day, Tom Carnase hasn't been fairly compensated. Still, ITC Avant Garde continues to make money for the successors in interest to a firm that Lubalin cofounded."

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