Hourly Rates

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • unknown0

    Thats why you have to be upfront and tell them a text change here and there is fine. But once they cross the .5 hour mark they will get charged. Thats how it should be, its business and its expected. But when my new clients tell me how their last developer charges a min. 1.5 hour at $150/hr for any change, it makes me laugh. And sooner or later you'll lose them as a client. As we all know people don't like to pay much for web work, so we should take care of the clients that do pay and make sure they at least come back.

    And doing this on the side is my choice. I've done it full time and it doesn't pay crap. Doing this on the side pays my rent, car payment, insurance and living expenses. My salary goes into the bank and other investments for later in life. And it is a real business. Incorp. and all. And I've been in business for 2 years. And I've always treated my clients the same way. And I've never lost one yet. They respect what I do for them and understand that its a side gig.
    All I'm saying is treat your clients well and they will keep paying you for a long time. Or you'll just lose them to someone whos a little cheaper.

    Good luck

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