Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Bakermade0

    Graff artists worldwide have been using paint drips consistently since the late 1960's. Paint drips have already been used in graffiti themed art and design countless times before.

    There is no reason to run around calling things cliche or to be surprised when you see a graphic symbol circulating throughout our culture.

    How many people do you hear talking in slang words like yo/ man/ dude/ cool/ etc. It's the same thing and the concept runs throughout every medium of communication.

    Ideas in our society, like everything else, have a lifespan. First ideas are born. If they are appealing for whatever reason, then they catch on and circulate and eventually come to a point of death or silence. Retro is cool because people dig that shit up out of the ground and put a fresh spin on things.

    Don't waste time fighting the waves, learn to surf. Go express an idea that you can call your own. Create something new. Make a difference. Provoke change.

    Whatever it is don't waste your time and energy being a critic. That mindset is much worse than any cliche.

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