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Out of context: Reply #15

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  • miracola0


    Depends on the client. Some clients I have are great people and minor text updates or images changes, etc are really all they need and that's no big deal. Then I have clients that have a f*^&%ing text change every day because they can't make up their minds what they want to say or haven't finalized everything with other parties involved before they contact me to make the changes. The latter get charged up the ass. If you let a client get away with minor little changes here and there, then word will spread about you and every client referred in the future may expect the same.

    I know we have to survive and take the money when we can, but in my experience, if you don't make it clear to your client that they have to pay for every update (per update or through a maintenance package), then you'll get walked all over.

    Besides, in my experience, even a minor update to a site takes me about a half hour to an hour. That's because I include the time that my client is talking to me about it. We all have different kinds of clients. I work a lot with musicians. Musicians need their frickin' hands held through the entire process, whether it be web design or design for print. Just chasing them done to supply text or photos is a huge pain and takes time. I bill for that time.

    My motto is, if the client wants changes, minor or major and doesn't want to pay properly for them... give them the files and tell them to make the changes themselves. They'll quickly understand that it isn't as easy or as fast as they imagine.

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