I LOVE microsoft

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • ershinn0

    I'm really glad you like Microsoft Windows XP.

    I like it cause its new, shiney, and... its fun to try and find things to do on it that Jaguar doesn't do better...in between the crashes I mean.

    Seriously, sounds like I am being sarcastic. I guess part of me is, but I grew up on the platform. Born on a VIC-20 but that's besides the point. Actually I probably shouldn't blame Microsoft for all the crashes, I probably have a bad CD-RW and/or HardDrive.

    I have to reinstall the silly thing every 2 months. On an "Install Day" I have to attempt an install anywhere from 5 to 31 tries cause everytime theres a file or two not found from the Install CD (never the same one - always a different file); hence the term "Install Day". A few times its copied all the files from the CD without a hitch, but alas after it restarts into an actual GUI interface to copy the last of the files and set the last of the settings...*blip*...*ping*... crash... and lastly gives me an error about not having a bootable disk or lacking a certain .dll file. Its in Japanese so, phht.

    Right now it works...without the ability to install a driver for my sound card albeit. Its missing a usr???.dll file.

    I can't read the installation instructions, but I've memorized the sequence of button pushing. On the other hand, the only thing I remember about the Jaguar installation was the liquid rippling around during the GUI (where 'G' actually stands for graphical) interface.

    Jaguar stays on for months at a time. I'd be a happier person if WinXP would stay on for more than 2 hrs streight. It may sound like I'm biased against the PC, but actually I'm not. By all rights I could have mentioned that the time I was actually bored enough to boot up the PC and just sit next to it and time how long it stayed active - it managed to stay a float for a total of 42min 14.38sec... The average was much less but I thought it would be unfair to count the two prior attempts that crashed as I logged on.

    I know its just me, I PREY it's just me. Would never EVER wish this upon anyone else. I'm thinking about buying a new harddrive, CD-RW, and a GeForce4 TI. But I don't feel like investing anymore on this thing.

    If anyone could help me on making my WinXP a stable platform I would be extremely greatful. But ye who pointeth me towards MS Knowledge Base (oxymoron in itself) shall recieve a right wise blow to thign noggin.

    Here's a thought though. Microsoft should make it a point to have the Knowledge Base geared more towards Mac users, cause I only go there with my Mac, trying to trouble shoot the PC that ISN'T working well enough to search the internet.

    Seriously though, I need help.
    I have a Dell Dimensia 4300
    512mb RAM
    nVidia GeForce3 MX
    SantaCruz TurtleBeach sound card
    HardDrive unknown
    CR-RW/DVD-ROM unknown
    ...because low price is sooooo important ha ha.

    "Windows eXPerience? You bet!"

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