french curves

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • el_chilaquil0

    I remember my design teacher made us cut rubilith and use rapidographs and draw entire alphabets of Helvetica and Bodoni with black ink. Mind you, there were already computers and design programs back then. I thik it was back in the days of photoshop 3. Anyway, I asked my teacher why in the world we needed to know how to use those things, if no one used them in the real world...

    Then in her design-sage tone she said to me: "well, you never know when there's going to be a black out or when your studio will get all its computers stolen, and you need to be prepared for that".

    To which I said... "err... and what about all of the other days when that doesn't happen...??"

    She didn't like my answer...

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