After Effects replacement?

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  • del_razor0

    yippee... now weird dumbfucks can invade the motion graphics and broadcast design market.. like what happened with flash..

    many this is gonna get ridiculous.. i'm gonna be fighting with ignorant clients who demand i use motion.. when to be honest.. it's prolly not as robust.. yeah.. you can do the same things.. but will it allow thinking outside of the box.. as much as expressions and stuff? does this mean we can't call ourselves motion graphic artists? without having knowledge of 'motion'? it's like someone coming out with a program and calling it 'graphic design' or just 'design'... kinda screws with people's resume's ;)

    oh well.. i figured one day i'd be forced to have to use a mac..

    just wish they'd chop the price down.. i'm tired of seeing the same crap for more expensive..

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