Out of context: Reply #2

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  • DutchBoy0

    Yesterday I finally visited the CONTENT exhibition in the KUNSTHAL (also designed by Rem Koolhaas) in Rotterdam.

    It was so inspiring I am seriously planning to go back there in a few weeks and take a lot of pictures.

    The whole exhibition is a showcase of OMA's (Office For Metropolitan Architecture) work since 1996, featuring tons of models, studies and material experiments, including the new to build CCTV building in China, the Prada stores (including samples of the smallest interior details), an immense building for Seagram, the IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology) campus, Dutch Embassy in Berlin, Guggenheim Heritage, Casa di Musica (Porto), Maison à Bordeaux etc. etc.

    And walls filled with playfully designed charts, studies, timelines compromising cultural, economical, political (etc.) studies and tendencies. (incl. a 6 ft. print of Janet's boobie incident! ;P)..

    It shows that Koolhaas and the 100+ employees (along them architects, graphic designers, media designers, interior designers etc.) at his offices OMA (for architecture) and AMO (for research in almost any field) in Rotterdam and New York can show a great sense of humour while still not distracting from the message. And you can wonder, does he HAVE a message? They tend to show facts/figures/parallels etc. to leave conclusions for the visitors, which made it all more challenging to engage in the stream of thoughts, ideas..

    A must see!

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