Hourly Rates

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • unknown0

    Wow, ya'll have lots of ideas on how to treat clients. So I will throw mine at ya,

    Treat your clients with respect, and they will keep coming back and hopefully refer you more work. I get 2 new clients calling me a month asking for work because I take care of them and don't nickel and dime them for stupid shit. Why would you charge a client an hour to make some some simple text changes to a site. Include that in the total design of the project. I add a couple hundred to the project to cover my time for simple updates for the year. And I tell them not to worry about it, its a simple change. They feel great because you are doing them a favor (which you already paid yourself for). Its all about CRM. I am amazed at how some companies treat their clients. Simply amazed at how they stay in business. I do this on the side and I still take better care of them.

    Good luck

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