
Out of context: Reply #272

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  • paulrand0

    My wife and i just got back from a few errands in the cold drizzling rain: a short drive to the farmer's market for our first shad row of the season, to be prepared with thickly sliced bacon, asparagus and accompanied by red wine, as the grey cheerless fucking weather excludes the possiblity of enjoying a pinot gris or perhaps a crisp sauvignon blanc. I sat in the car and dozed off while my wife, as usual, did the work: 2 sets of roe at 9.90 each, then up the hill to the state liquor store trying to pass itself off as a wine shoppe. Got a bottle of Jack London vineyard cabernet for 17.99, less than half its list value, so perhaps the state-controlled liquor monopoly has its merits. While in the store saw a graphic I had hurriedly designed several months ago atop one of the wine racks-- as Harvey Pekar says, "there's a reliable disappointment". It seems that as we go about town I am forever averting my eyes from graphic misadventures I would rather forget. I wonder if the well-known designers ever feel this way. Probably not. Any way, back now, have lit a fire in the fireplace and am about to pour bourbons for the two of us, and am looking forward to reading a bit of the new George Pelecanos, dinner and wine, and maybe even some more bourbon.

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