School in Ireland

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • nomis0

    Hi bob,

    whats not mentioned on that site is NCAD - which is the national college of art and design.. Its the biggest and most respected art and design school in Ireland.. Its not that advertised tho - it is extremely difficult to get into.. There are about 6 or so main faculties and there are only 700 or so students.. check .. I'm currently doing industrial design there..

    As far of the institutes of technology go I will warn you they are nowhere near the prestige and quality of NCAD (in Dublin also) for design - except for the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) who incorporate one of the worlds oldest architecture schools.. It also has a pretty good design department from what I know..

    Of the biggest major universitys (Triniity, University College Dublin, Unviersity College Cork, University College Galway and Unversity of Limerick) only limerick has a design faculty - 1st year of my course used to be spent in limerick - thats now changed as they have their own id/product design course now..

    As far as it goes NCAD is the best for all design disciplines, DIT and Limerick are up there for id/product, DIT has a pretty good Visual Communication (Graphic Design) course.. Apart from that I don't know much about any of the other colleges as I never considered attending them ...

    best of luck,

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