Sheik Ahmed Yassin

Out of context: Reply #85

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  • laurus0


    Speaking of the Netherlands, I Lived there and in Germany and experienced Anti-semitism and racism first hand.

    Having also lived in the US (from 98-2002), I find there is much more tolerance there, eventoward Muslims right after 9/11 than in Europe. Still, European politicians do wish to please Muslim voter in their countries.

    BTW, just because I didn't agree with you on some facts, does not mean I do not agree with you alltogether.

    Yes, there is a strong Israeli lobby in the US. But it's natural that countries that share goals support each other. Shiraq didn't have problems calling Saddam a 'friend' when it served French financial interests. Nor did he hesitate to renounce him when it was convenient. Bin Laden's goal are as imperialistic and impure as George Bush's. Iraq is his not more of his business then it is America's—he just used it as an excuse to bomb Spain.

    Like many other Israelies, I think Sharon is a malicious corrupt leader. Like many Israelies, I suspect that Arafat is no different.

    People outside the region should support and promote the groups in the region that want peace. Pointing fingers at Sharon or Arafat won't help, they thrive on the conflict—it helps them stay in power.

    Instead, support the Israeli-Palestinian Geneva peace initiative—that is what they are really afraid of.…

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