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  • mg334

    Spent the entire day messing around with the generative image tool I created last night, using ChatGPT for all the html, css, and JS. I had this idea and wanted to see how far it could go. I basically have a single html page run locally from a code editor with inputs to specify number of shapes, min and max size, width of skinny lines, angle of shapes, color palettes via hex#, and mixed-blend mode. Hit a button and presto, something completely different every time.

    The big epiphany hit me an hour ago when I realized that while everything is random based on limited parameters (shape number, shape min/max size, rectangle width, and angle of all shapes) I can open up an inspector and Individually turn shapes off and on, rotate them, and move them up and down to refine things. It gets away from the full randomization of things but it’s a nice way to take the base output and use it as an idea template.

    This really started in my mind when I was working on album artwork ideas in PS two nights ago for my music project. I kept realizing that my placement of things was random but with an iterative idea of what I was aiming for. Now I’m trying to figure out how to use this JS tool to generate stuff I can take into PS and literally use, or lay out my own things on top of.

    It’s literally set up so that every click of a “generate shapes” button randomizes the shapes based on those limited parameters above, and once the shapes are there I can add color palettes, pull from saved ones in a drop down, and change mixed-blend mode (although multiply is by far the most effective).

    My next exploration is to keep working on a way of randomly pulling images into a specified number of divs from a folder or big list of jpg images.

    I’m doing this at 1,000px square and now wondering how big I can make it and how I could save off the page as an image large enough to print.

    After being laid off last month, this is the most fun I’ve had doing anything. For the longest time I’ve wanted to get into that programming.js stuff Josh Davis does, and learn more about generative art and code. I’m completely pumped to have figured this out on a much smaller scale but in a style I love.

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