Dune (movie)

Out of context: Reply #136

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  • Morning_star4

    I watched Dune 2 twice this weekend. It was like watching one of my kids in a school production - it's never, ever going to be bad. However appallingly acted, technically inept, shoddily produced my love for their performance abides and defines the experience.

    There's so much about the film that rocks hard: Villeneuve's direction, the costume design, the sound design, the cinematography, the score, the art direction... the lore, the humour... Giedi Prime, Feyd-Routha, the final fight scene, The voice, the unborn child, Stilgar, Validimir Harkonen... Paul getting all shouty when he addresses the Fremen... Chani getting rejected... Lady Jessica stoving the Harkonan soldiers head in... Riding the Shai-Hulud...and on and on.

    It's imperfect, intricate, magnificent, visually and aurally stunning and if you have the desire? somewhere to lose yourself for 3 hours. I want to watch it again.


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