draw something

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  • PhanLo4

    First proper (ish) drawing of the new year, good to do some pencil drawing properly again. It's for a guy who buys my paintings nephew.

    • how do you word PhanLo? are you drawing over a picture in Procreate?HAL9001
    • This was an A4 pencil drawing. Usually I comp together a reference then us my monitor screen as kind of lightbox to map out the leading lines and shapesPhanLo
    • quite loosely and then when I'm at the table drawing I have a really old iPad with my reference image on. Once I get the character to a point where I'm happyPhanLo
    • I can have a bit more fun adding the shop names and freestyling a bit. My mate Micky likes a drink so he has a pub in there. My other mate draws skullsPhanLo
    • so I hid a wee skull between the buildings.
      Often because I'm terrible at getting it like the reference it looks completely different.
    • All the text on the Japanese signage is lifted from shops in Akihabara that I found on Google Maps.PhanLo
    • oh cool! keep it up man, nice work!HAL9001
    • I'd love to see this with colorsHAL9001
    • Will try and get it coloured in next week. My tablet is at the studio so I end up trying to colour with the mouse and it takes ages, hehe.PhanLo

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