Dall-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion (etc) - who's playing, and with which?

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  • yuekit1

    What do you say to commercial artists concerned this will destroy their livelihood? At a certain point, why would an art director hire an illustrator to produce work like concept art, production design, backgrounds – those sorts of things – when they can just enter prompts and get useful output much more quickly and at much lower cost?

    It's a lot of work still. It’s not just like “make me a background.” It might be ten times less work, but it is way more work than than a manager is going to do.

    I think there's kind of two ways this could go. One way is to try to provide the same level of content that people consume at a lower price, right? And the other way to go about it is to build wildly better content at the prices that we're already willing to spend. I find that most people, if they’re already spending money, and you have the choice between wildly better content or cheaper content, actually choose wildly better content. The market has already established a price that people are willing to pay.

    I think that some people will try to cut artists out. They will try to make something similar at a lower cost, and I think they will fail in the market. I think the market will go towards higher quality, more creativity, and vastly more sophisticated, diverse and deep content. And the people who actually are able to use like the artists and use the tools to do that are the ones who are going to win.

    These technologies actually create a much deeper appreciation and literacy in the visual medium. You might actually have the demand, outstrip the ability to produce at that level, and then maybe you'll actually be raising the salaries of artists. It could be weird, but that's what's going to happen. The pace of that demand increase for both quality and diversity will lead to some wonderful and unexpected projects getting made.

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