
Out of context: Reply #89

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  • palimpsest10

    • 50 year anniversary.palimpsest
    • what am i looking at?milfhunter
    • https://www.npr.org/…palimpsest
    • Maggie's palPhanLo
    • Free helicopter flights for everyoneGnash
    • and as a consequence, Chileans enjoyed immense economic prosperity under Pinochet. Created a middle class, stabilized inflation, rid chile of lazy rift rafthotroddy
    • If USA had succeeded in ousting Chavez in 2001, USA wouldn't have to deal with current migrant crisishotroddy
    • and you'd all be paying less at the gas pump.hotroddy
    • Whatever helps you sleep at night.palimpsest
    • "you'd all be paying less at the gas pump."
      is always a good argument against sovereignty and human rights.
    • lol, very ironic response. I'm assuming the american educational system didn't teach you what the Cubans were doing in South America at that time..hotroddy
    • hashtag DEMOCRACY
      hashtag FREEDOM
    • what are tweets from Donald Rumsfeld's Twitter account, Alex.hotroddy
    • there's a reason why Chile doesn't look like the rest of Central and South America. And that reason is Pinochet.hotroddy
    • You said it, sister!palimpsest
    • Honestly, I cannot agree more with you saying these things. Keep them coming.palimpsest
    • Imma keep 100 with you. I don't even want to debate you like I did set. I just want you to put your ideas forward.palimpsest
    • Because the more people know about people like you the better off this world will be.palimpsest
    • You can't debate because you can't give concrete examples that justify your leftist propaganda.hotroddy
    • What is my leftist propaganda? Show me on the doll?palimpsest
    • Pinochet was a traitor. Didn't even get a decent grave from the Chilean Armed Forces.
      The only ones who still dare to defend him are old drunk fucks.
    • Sadly, South and Central America benefits when your political beliefs are incarcerated or gone, as Pinochet, Bukele, and Fujimori can confirm.hotroddy
    • God bless you for bringing Fujimori in the mix. I approve this message.palimpsest
    • you're welcomehotroddy
    • I almost forgot dictator Pérez Jiménez of Venezuela's 1950. He single-handedly made Venezuela the most prosperous country in South Americahotroddy
    • Work smarter, not harder.palimpsest
    • business plan: sell national resources to foreign corporations and get power/money in exchange.uan
    • I imagine it's better to be the hero of stupid than the hero of incompetence

    • Popcornspango
    • yes! peak QBN - roddy defends Pinochet. Do Franco and the Argentine junta next. You fucking marble-brained prick.face_melter
    • yes, Pinochet had torture centers, and yes he killed and incarcerated the face_melters of Chile. But Chile is better for it!hotroddy
    • Let's not get started on Argentina, suffering the highest inflation levels in the world due to its socialist policies.hotroddy
    • like, if you're doing a bit it's not even vaguely funny and if you're serious it's still not funny. stick to making shitty websites or whatever the fuck.face_melter
    • @UAN I applaud you for actually making an argument, But I think Canadian mining companies were doing a better job pre-socialist Venezuela:hotroddy
    • https://tinyurl.com/…hotroddy
    • yup canadian mining inc were doing some shady stuffs all over the place. south asia too forgot where. can google. bet it's the same incpango
    • fuck yeah! labour exploitation!pango
    • https://www.youtube.…Raybandana
    • Holy crap, hotroddy. Pinochet was a blood-soaked monster. Don’t be using the ‘but hitler built great roads’ argumentGnash
    • An order of magnitude more people died because of what the USA did 50 years ago in Chile, that the other 9/11Gnash
    • Lula's Brazil for the win!Khurram
    • Gnash you choose the lesser of two evils. There is no perfect solution. The whole continent would be worse off today had USA not intervened.hotroddy
    • Case in point: El Salvadore was rampant with criminal gangs and now American el salvadorians are going home to retire.hotroddy
    • how did he do it? He brought his army with machine guns and cleared out the el salvadorian face_melters sandanistashotroddy
    • https://www.dailymai…hotroddy
    • @pango I'll trust first-world mining concessions over two-bit uneducated face_melter rift raft who will use slave labor ala CHYNA.hotroddy
    • yes! i know we can always count on you to set the low barpango
    • that's a matter of opinion, but we can't trust you in identifying large bodies of water.hotroddy
    • *scratches bingo card
      but we can always count on you to back Pinochet lol
    • One cannot speculate whatifs about the economy. But, Pinochet's rule 1974-1990Khurram
    • https://bfi.uchicago…Khurram
    • "The second phase goes from 1974 to 1981 and is characterized by great real and nominal instability... there is a pronounced bust-boom cycle in which per capitaKhurram
    • GDP declined in 1975 by almost 30 percent... In terms of inflation... in 1974, after
      price controls were removed, it reached 600 percent. This was the highest
    • inflation level ever reached in the history of the country.

      The third phase, from 1982 to 1990, is again a severe bust-boom cycle episode... Overall, the main
    • feature of this phase is the deep and long recession that affected the economy. In particular, as a result of the severe balance of payments crisis of the earlyKhurram
    • 1980s, real per capita GDP declined by 20 percent between 1981 and 1983. Then, it gradually recovered, so that in 1990 per capita GDP was at the same level asKhurram
    • in 1981."Khurram
    • https://upload.wikim…hotroddy
    • Aside from his human rights abuses, he's widely credited for improving the lives of the average Chilean and setting the stage for the Chile we know today.hotroddy
    • Chile could have been easily the shit-show that is Argentina.hotroddy
    • It was that shit show under Pinochet. Your opening statement "Chileans enjoyed immense economic prosperity under Pinochet" is patently incorrect.Khurram
    • QBN Freedumb Fighter
      Che Knobby Guevara
    • For someone who lived in South America and Spain for over five years, I only met one person who appreciated Pinochet, and he was a rich Italian banker...canoe
    • So it was easy for him to look at it in a cold calculated perspective, someone who didn't have have any family killed.canoe
    • Whether he is liked or not is irrelevant. And facts are facts. Economically speaking it's the most admired country on the continent.hotroddy
    • Wherever you were living in south america I'm sure you would have rathered lived in Chile.hotroddy
    • Wrong. Chile doesn't rank high in GDP. Actually I chose wherever I wanted to live.canoe
    • Arguments aside, did Osama Bin Laden and the other Al Qaeda members chose the date of 9/11 as a reference to the Chilean coup, or was it a coincidence?yuekit
    • You chose to live in Portland too, no?
    • Youkit, I think it was referencing the date 'the Dude' wrote on the check at Ralphs https://tinyurl.com/…hotroddy
    • @canoe, you hightailed your ass out of Portland during the BLM riots if I'm not mistaken.hotroddy
    • I'm from the midwest.canoe
    • Never lived in Portland.canoe
    • I was wrong then. i had you confused for someone else. sorryhotroddy
    • *I was wrong again thenfadein11
    • hotroddy is the kind of guy who reads the blurb of a book and goes around acting like he's read the actual thing. Just blithely mouthing off his ignorance.Khurram
    • The US has subverted and tried to destroy almost all socialist governments that have ever ascended to power in Latin America.Khurram
    • This is why the US is the true global terrorist and must be vanquished in every theatre in which it is engaged.Khurram
    • This is a global imperative. The comprehensive, geostrategic defeat of the US. >_>Khurram
    • The U.S. government single-handedly funded the Chavez revolution from 2001 to 2011 by purchasing oil at $150 per barrel.hotroddy
    • I see you visiting Colombia (aka America's colonial puppet) but u have zero interest in visiting the shit whole adjacent that is Venezuela. HYPOCRITE!hotroddy
    • Your message of declaring 'brown pride' when you visited Colombia would have been better suited for Venezuela's socialist revolution.hotroddy
    • You can refute me all day long. I know I'm not the 'authority' on Chilean economics but it will be tough for you to refute Wikipedia:hotroddy
    • https://en.wikipedia…hotroddy
    • https://en.wikipedia…hotroddy
    • read both those articles before you post your horse·shit retorthotroddy
    • Hahahah, TRIGGERRED ;PKhurram
    • Kiddo - Colombia has been an American puppet built on the wealth of a $10bn a year cocaine trade that fuels right wing paramilitaries and guerilla insurgentsKhurram
    • devastated countelss millions of lives not to mention the incomprehensible damage that drug does.Khurram
    • But they are really fucking cool people, I have to say, the warmth and kindness with which i was received <3Khurram
    • And Venezuela has been decimated by American sanctions and coup attempts. what fook you talk aboutKhurram
    • Death to America!Khurram
    • You not the authority on anything hotrodder! Not on anything! You sources are Wikipedia!Khurram
    • yes, lol. American sanctions started in 2019 long after Venezuela was destroyed.hotroddy
    • And did you stop to think about why they're sanctions (which Biden lifted in exchange for oil) or should I send you links to those Wiki articles as well?hotroddy
    • lol at sanctions, coup attempts. the biggest coupster was Chavez in 1998 where he killed over 200 people.hotroddy
    • He was in jail for 3 years for staging a military coup, violently taking over the military airport, news stations. How many years did the Jan 6 people get?hotroddy
    • You may not recall because it sounds like you were born yesterday. Colombia was a shithole before American investment.hotroddy
    • You do share something in common w Francia Márquez and it's not 'brown pride' It's 'brown resentment' '- the inevitable death of colombiahotroddy
    • It's the FARC and Venezuelan military who have the biggest share of the drug trade.hotroddy
    • 'How many years did the Jan 6 people get?' lol you do know Venezuela and US is 2 different country?. is this you trying to defend jan 6? lolpango
    • That was over two years ago! OMG Let it go hotrodders! I was teasing you! I don't really care black brown or woteva...Khurram
    • We should be united anyway. We both hate Biden and want Trump to win. Me because I think Trump will bring about the downfall of NATO and the downfall of AmericaKhurram
    • and you because somehow you think he would be a great president.Khurram
    • Either way, let's unite and get people to get this senile psychopath and his coterie of neo-cons out of office!Khurram
    • Oh we've fallen off the front page :-/Khurram
    • FUCK BIDEN :D :D :DKhurram
    • So you think Biden is doing alright job at not burning down america? That's why you want the Cheetos back?pango
    • He's feeding the American war machine.Khurram
    • Meh, actually, they're all as bad as each other. FUCK AMERICA! :D :D :DKhurram
    • well i'm sorry to break it to you khurram. hotknobby actually favours US over throwing other countries government.pango
    • Pango, for once you are correct. Although my political beliefs are 180° from his, we both have a distaste for the status quo.hotroddy
    • I disagree. He wants the US gov to collapse. You can't have us gov overthrowing other gov if us gov collapse. Literally 2 extreme.pango
    • Clearly the answer to the world's problems is let's put more insane, corrupt right-wing politicians in charge. Why didn't anyone think of that yetyuekit
    • If Mao had embraced a different ideology, such as fascism, rather than communism during the Great Leap Forward, he might have prevented 45 million from starvinghotroddy
    • dont think praising fascism was on anyone's mind when they just lost not too long before mao. lmaopango
    • Who is 'they' and what did they 'lose'? Are you referring to Germany nearly conquering the world?hotroddy
    • *nearly* exactly.
      that's a lot of praise for nazi from you lol
    • when confusing 'praise' with 'facts' because looking for racism under every rock.hotroddy
    • Fact 1: Pinochet's policies transformed Chile into the wealthiest nation on the continent.
      Fact 2: One country nearly conquered the world.
    • Fact 3: It is estimated that Lake Ontario contains 393 cubic miles of water, hence not a pond where you can see to other sidehotroddy
    • (lastly & saddest fact if true): although pango will concede that western allies defeated fascism...hotroddy
    • he won't wear the Canadian poppy on 'remembrance day' because it's 'Eurocentric' and a marginalization of other cultures.hotroddy
    • looking for racism?? lol
      who said anything about race?? are you looking for racism under every rock?
      now tell us what you really think.
    • what part of calling me a nazi is not calling me a nazi? UR the racist for not wearing the poppy to remember the Canadians that defeated Nazi Germany.hotroddy
    • I should say, "you're the NAZI for not wanting to wear the poppy"hotroddy
    • "what part of calling me a nazi is not calling me a nazi?" wut? are you ok? not wearing poppy? are you confusing me with someone else?pango
    • are you alright?pango
    • you haven't denied not wearing one, LOL.hotroddy
    • oh is that all you want? have i ever wore one? yep :)
      are you alright tho?
    • Now that I know you wear the poppy, I'm feeling a little better.hotroddy
    • good! felt like you were losing it lolpango
    • if you need death squads to transform ones country, perhaps you're doing it wrongGnash
    • hey, you can have gov't sanctioned death squads and the country still goes to shit.hotroddy
    • When you're freeing a country from Marxism you may not have many options that don't include violence.hotroddy
    • "what part of calling me a nazi is not calling me a nazi?" can you elaborate on this? its a very confusing sentence. thought you were losing it.pango
    • I thought you were calling me a nazi, but after re-reading I'm not sure what you were stating.hotroddy
    • LOLpango
    • Really looking for someone to call you racist under every rock there.pango

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