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Out of context: Reply #3001

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  • NBQ001


    Still after so many years the desktop app does not have a "new episodes" chronological order list for Podcasts like they do on mobile.

    Just really weird UX decisions to give mobile such list features but not on the desktop app.

    • Apple doesn’t either and they invented “podcasts”monospaced
    • Spotify smart TV app crashes so much its basically uselessYakuZoku
    • and recently they also changed the UI on podcasts on mobile to show a big card look instead of the small compact list view. and you can't change it, sighNBQ00
    • Is this not what you're talking about?

    • Ohhh, you mean on the base Podcast page, which shows podcasts that you follow, not an option to show new eps there, right?elahon
    • I have no idea where you are accessing this list and "all episodes" list on Spotify desktop app. There's no such thing on my side and I looked everywhere.NBQ00
    • Spotify has never crashed on our TV...i_monk

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