Russia-Ukraine Invasion

Out of context: Reply #2167

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  • _niko0

    ^ This is profound

    Speaking first about the fighting in eastern Ukraine that began in 2014 after Russia's military intervention, Prigozhin said:

    "We were hitting them, and they were hitting us. That's how it went on for those eight long years, from 2014 to 2022. Sometimes the number of skirmishes would increase, sometimes decrease."

    "On 24 February [2022] there was nothing extraordinary happening there. Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public, deceive the president and tell a story that there was some crazy aggression by Ukraine, that - together with the whole Nato bloc - Ukraine was planning to attack us."

    "The war was needed... so that Shoigu could become a Marshal, so that he could get a second Hero Star... the war wasn't for demilitarising or de-nazifying Ukraine. It was needed for an extra star."

    Prigozhin also blamed the war on oligarchs, condemning "the clan which in practice rules Russia today".

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