UFO of the day

Out of context: Reply #876

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  • yuekit1

    I was wondering what was going on with all these UFO stories...the latest one is the most sensational yet saying the USA has all these alien spacecraft they've been secretly collecting as well as actual aliens.


    Turns out the Washington Post explained it back in 2018 and like a lot of things the story behind the conspiracy is weirder than the conspiracy itself.

    When you read these stories, notice how many times the same names come up...Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon and the reporter Leslie Kean who reported this new story and was also behind the recent stories about UFO sightings in the NYT.

    It turns out all these people are connected to an organization funded by the former singer of Blink182 that's invested in promoting UFOs. Apparently he just really likes UFOs and so he started this company to promote them and hired some former government officials.


    Much of the media coverage is just this same network of people citing each other and talking about programs in the government they worked on. And some of them did work on programs about unexplained sightings but no point have they produced any evidence of these alien spacecraft they keep saying exist.

    • He's produced a History Channel docuseries. https://en.wikipedia…Morning_star
    • Well exactly...the History channel is almost all nonsense very little actual history.yuekit
    • It's a factual dessert.Morning_star
    • But if they have evidence they should probably produce it instead of producing TV shows right? Instead it's all...I know a guy who heard that someoneyuekit
    • saw some documents that said we maybe found alien spacecraft.yuekit
    • Let's take your word for it then.canoe
    • I think there's some genuinely unexplainable/anomal... stuff out there. One of the problems is the noise of 'entertainment' like the History Channel.Morning_star
    • thing is it's not just him who has said it's a thing (Blink182 guy), the US Navy and others have confirmed that 2-5% of sightings are unexplained.fadein11
    • I'm not a fan of him either. And it is odd how they all fell under that media company umbrella. But this is a tiny part of the whole picture.fadein11
    • I say this a sceptic just interested in it. 1000's of sightings a day worldwide, so who knows.fadein11
    • *as afadein11
    • Also, remove aliens from the equation and still very interesting.fadein11
    • kinda like how there are millions of dollars into producing shows about Bigfoot and ghosts, and for decades no evidence is presentedmonospaced
    • just because the government says something is unexplained doesn't meant it can't be, or that it's aliens, LOLmonospaced
    • I hope that wasn't directed at me, because if so you may want to read the above again, slowly.fadein11
    • I agree fadein11 there's something going on with the sightings...I wasn't commenting on that but rather these claims that keep getting pushed in the media.yuekit
    • Somehow the media doesn't notice that it's the same group of people again and again. Like the whistleblower guy who came forward, if you read the article,yuekit
    • is being backed by the same names and the article quotes them to establish his credibility.yuekit
    • yeah, interesting there have been a few seemingly credible people whistle blowing again, the instant argument is disinfo but can't really see the point anymorefadein11
    • The "UFO community" mostly dlslike Blink dude and Elizondo for exactly what you said. I just find it all interesting.fadein11
    • And the media attention / official announcements ramping up over last 4-5 years is also a little intriguing.fadein11
    • I don't think it's disinfo, just a network of self-interested people...maybe they even believe it themselves.yuekit
    • What's remarkable is how they managed to get their stories written up in the New York Times and even successfully lobbied Congress to open an investigation.yuekit
    • p'haps that's what suggests there's something to it all, whatever that is.fadein11
    • As far as this one group of people goes, there's just no way...but it's been presented in such a way to make it sound credible.yuekit
    • the wording means its asteroids. where they have found metals not from this world. they just cept the budget from the suits.rootlock
    • The Blink-182 guy Tom Delong was on Rogan and you know how Rogan's super into UFOs, well even Rogan thought he was crazyYakuZoku
    • That episode is hilarious btw, so much gold in itYakuZoku
    • yeah was super cringe.fadein11
    • Haha I need to watch that...but Yaku the people Rising is talking about are the same people connected to Tom Delonge.yuekit
    • Luis Elizondo came out a few years ago and claimed he was a whistleblower, now this David Grush guy is doing the same thing.yuekit
    • I'm always wondering why aliens are so USA focused... what is it? Popcorn?sandpipe
    • S.America is another hotspot, UK/Europe, Australia. It really isn't just the US.fadein11

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