Russia-Ukraine Invasion

Out of context: Reply #2109

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  • neverscared1

    Murder, alcohol and prostitutes: Wagner convicts pardoned by Putin return to terrorise home towns
    Violent criminals who served with the notorious Russian militia in Ukraine are terrorising the communities they return to

    Many are believed to have died in Ukraine, but those who survived the six months in the group’s ranks have earned presidential pardons and are now returning to their home towns. According to the notorious Wagner head Evgeniy Prigozhin, more than 5,000 former criminals have already been freed. One of those is Siukayev who recently returned to his home town of Tskhinvali.

    Their releases have stoked fears that the men will go on to commit further crimes, worries that will only grow following a string of violent crimes perpetrated by former Wagner soldiers, including the murder of Ts…

    • The GuardianOBBTKN
    • Is going to be fun living in Europe in the next decade, I assure you...OBBTKN
    • thanks i know how to take care of myself...neverscared

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