Suggest a bad movie

Out of context: Reply #271

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  • Nairn1

    So I don't know how the hell she convinced me to watch it, but my partner and I watched 'Zontar, the Thing from Venus' the othr noght, on the Roku channel of all things. My Gosh, the giddy heights.

    Anyway, it's terrible.

    But. There is one saving grace beyond the ridculous crapness of it all - an example of 'subliminal' messaging that wasso feared in the 60s - at one point about a third of the way through there is, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, the image of a burlesque-ish looking lady kneeling down, like that really safe pin up iumagery so popular back then. Thing is - it's not even particularly subliminal. No single frame flash of a cock that leaves you wondering if you just actually saw a cock, nope - it's on screen for a good second or so, so we were left a) perplexed and b) wondering just how much quicker visual neurons have gotten in the intervening near-sixty years. So odd.

    • 'othr noght' is me channeling my inner-Northumbrian.Nairn

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