Artificial Intelligence

Out of context: Reply #718

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  • Nairn5

    The on-going argument I've been having with my best pal about all this - and I guess to oblivious arrogant pricks like grafician who think they're positioned to gatekeep this shit because they have no capacity for nuance or subtlety, so polarise their interpretation of others interest in the domain in their favour (and because they read two articles on the sibject on Hacker News yesterday and are now Expert-Levelâ„¢) - is that this doesn't need to get anywhere near AGI levels to begin to cause profound societal trouble. Nowhere near. At all.

    We're probably a [human] generation or three away from actual AGI as feared from sci-fi tropes, but all we need now are simulacra that can generally pass Turing tests or whatever contemporary equivalents could be mustered, and so can sow discord in their own way. As directed by whoever decides to.

    Think of it as 'Russian political meddling on amphetamine and lightning'.

    Never mind the slew of contemporarily somewhat useless from a productivity-persepective but essential from a societal-perspective jobs that could be nixed within the next couple of years, possibly literally.

    English loom workers of yore at least had a generation to realise they needed to start breaking machines before they could re-skill. No such luxury today.


    Which is to say, yes we get it graf - it's not actual fucking ai, it's clever algorithms refined on mind-bogglingly large datasets. it's just that everyone calls it AI. We're older than you - we also had people imoplying that fuzzy logic in washing machines in the 90s was 'intelligent'. Actually, your arrogance tells us more about your ignorance than anything else.

    • Turn off the computer and non of this AI stuff exists. It's so nice to walk through nature and smell the plants hear the birds. Fuck AI + computer's.shapesalad
    • 20 year career spent in front of a computer. Frankly and enough of it. Would love to hit 'shutdown' and never have to turn on a computer again.shapesalad
    • Amen!palimpsest
    • *had enough. Had enough of typing too...shapesalad
    • Protect people, not jobs.palimpsest
    • Amen @Nairn, to be clear.palimpsest
    • To state the obvious, words mean wathever we agree them to mean. So AI does refer to the current technology we have at hand.No need to throw a tantrum about it;palimpsest
    • ^ @graficianpalimpsest
    • I understand the implications of this technology being a major tipping point in human history, but to suggest we just 'switch it off' is pretty lazyIanbolton
    • lol Nairn

      I just wish old people here just take a day or two and get to read and understand the tech so we can all be on the same page?
      Not that hard

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