UK is Fucked

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  • Nairn-1

    I spent over 4 hours on public transport today, getting around a version of London that doesn't have a pretty fucking good Tube network,

    This on top of having to pay £130 for a taxi back from the airport earlier this year, when I bluntly and stupidly mangled with another national strike, I'm a bit miffed.

    I get the right to strike, but as someone who's not been 'employed' as-such for over 20 years, and has never had scope for striking, it's a bit of a fucking pisser. Why am I being fucked for this?

    • Do you need to live/work in London? Is it completely necessary?shapesalad
    • you obviously *don't* get why people are striking if you're fucking moaning about it.face_melter
    • Ah, the virtuous sniper, here to save the day! Well done, problem solved :)Nairn
    • Solidarity with the workers Nairn. Just because you’re freelance doesn’t mean someone who isn’t doesn’t deserve a decent rate of pay.PhanLo
    • But £130 for a taxi is insane.PhanLo
    • Millions of people took a shit hit out of their day because unions couldn't organise a better response. Sorry, fuck that. I've never had that leverage, nor willNairn
    • The trains and buses I was on today were filled with hard-working, pissed-off people unaligned with trade unions, much like me.Nairn
    • London was totally fucked today because of this. I'm not sure how easy that is to convey. The Tube is everything down here.Nairn
    • Just because you work hard, doesn’t mean that someone shouldn’t get a living wage.PhanLo
    • £130 taxi was because my flight was delayed by 2h:55m and I ended up in far s.LDN having to get to mid N.LDN at >11pm. Yaay. Train & bus would've cost ~£24.Nairn
    • I feel these days it’s so expensive to live, but it’s not even good.PhanLo
    • Sure, I don't dispute that, PhanLo, but i maintain my right to be pissed off that their union's strategy has cost me, a mere peon, time and money, and for whatNairn
    • I'm particularly pissed off because I HAD to get in time to pick my daughter up at 6pm, and if I'd not risked a short cut, would've been late by a half hourNairn
    • We don't have the support structures in place to make up for that kind of situation. I *need* to have shit working within some kind of reasonNairn
    • Striking is the only leverage they have.
      Shit for you though.
    • I'd suggest that striking strategically might be an option. I dunno. it's not my domain, i'm just shat on by it.Nairn
    • When the public sector has been fucked in the arse for over a decade, these strikes have been on the cards for a while. They could've been mitigated...Ianbolton
    • by the government, but they chose to double-down on their 'militant trade unions' narrative which really didn't help.Ianbolton
    • Sorry you took the brunt of this fall out though mate. Not great times right now.Ianbolton

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