
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • mg330


    I love my kids (I have two) but they're a constant exercise in self control and staying calm. The toughest thing about the pandemic is that after not working downtown and taking the train to/from work, my buffer between work brain and home brain is almost nonexistent. The train was "my time" and a nice 35-50 minute opportunity to unwind and be ready to be home and engaged and active as a parent.

    But I am happy as a parent. I know it's not for everyone, but I always felt that our path in life - if we choose it - is to try and make good little humans that can become good big humans. It's not easy teaching kids empathy, compassion, tolerance, etc. but I wouldn't trade the challenge for anything.

    • So you are happier with kids.palimpsest
    • We are also working on the non existent shift from work to family and back.monospaced

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