Elon Musk

Out of context: Reply #826

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  • grafician-9

    Twitter had 7k employees when Elon bought it right?

    I argue Twitter's complexity can be run by just a few hundred people.

    Remember instagram had just 13 people and millions of users when it was bought by Fb more than a decade ago:


    Remember Whatsapp had 55 employees and millions of users when Facebook bought it:


    Remember the greatest scam in crypto Tether and at the same time maybe the greatest hedge fund ever is run by a dozen people


    Remember Facebook just fired 11K people and nobody blinked


    So stfu about Elon firing people and ruining Twitter if you don't have a clue how big companies are run and how many people you need to run a big social network

    This discussion should have ended with my post of Paul Graham's tweets bellow

    If you don't know who paulg is you shouldn't be in this thread or in tech for that matter

    • Are you quoting someone, or is this your schpiel? If the latter, lol.Nairn
    • lol so you are well versed in how big companies are run too? Fucking lol graf, how many agencies do you run now?monospaced
    • A company like Twitter should and does need a whole team of lawyers for example.monospaced
    • Remember a while back when they interviewed Facebook staff having to watch through hours of horror content and they said there was no where near enough staff?PhanLo
    • No. People don't get Twitter is a privately owned company now. No more shareholders, if you don't like it go to Mastodon or whatever...grafician
    • People don't get in a privately owned tech company there is ZERO accountability.grafician
    • "just a few hundred people."jonny_quest_lives
    • so cute...jonny_quest_lives
    • This is why Facebook did all the nasty crazy shit 'cuz Facebook is practically owned by Zuck. The rest of the shareholders don't matter :))grafician
    • I really meant it when I said you guys really don't get how big companies in tech are run and what are the limits.grafician
    • any large corporation has a certain amount of bloat... what i don't understand is why elon stans getting so enraged by distributed systems engineers resigningjonny_quest_lives
    • Elon does all these moves because the buy out of Twitter was leveraged so he has debt to cover. Until he figures out what's what at twitter...grafician
    • 21st century luddites worshipping at the alter of eLoN and then they end their arguments with "he puts rockets into space what do you know?"jonny_quest_lives
    • ...he will cut and UNCUT all the people he needs. When the dust settles in a few months, I expect Twitter to be better run than any tech companygrafician
    • i can't venture a guess as to how large Twitter's infrastructure actually is but a few hundred ain't going to cut it...jonny_quest_lives
    • we shall see when everyone starts posting their world cup clips and tweets...jonny_quest_lives
    • @jonny bro try to think in business terms, not in "we the users are entitled to ___" shit ;)

      I never mentioned rockets here btw
    • He'll be held accountable when something goes really wrong. Well, wronger than it already is going. In American terms he might get a fine.PhanLo
    • we shall see if the global elastic scale holds with a skeleton crew attempting to police infrastructure in real timejonny_quest_lives
    • No, not really, he won't be held accountable at all. If twitter goes down, it can be written of as a bad investment and be done with it.grafician
    • just like tesla is the best run car company?jonny_quest_lives
    • QBN is the same btw, so should I search for QBN LLC and find out who we need to kiss ass so this forum still runs smoothly?

      Watch yourselves :)
    • EU regulations stipulate a certain number of moderates per users. Hence high employee count compared to years ago instagram etc.shapesalad
    • just be wary of cults of personality...jonny_quest_lives
    • https://pbs.twimg.co…jonny_quest_lives
    • just be wary of nobodies commenting on shit they have no clue about

      twitter is full of these idiots these days
    • just because your on social media doesn't mean you're important and we need to listen to you

      people demand this shit taken for granted = all this drama
    • So again, private company = ZERO accountabilitygrafician
    • Best would be for Elon to fucking ask for subscriptions for twitter and be done with it, pay to tweet, if you can't afford it fuck offgrafician
    • Or at best be in read-only mode and you can only follow and stfugrafician
    • Being a private company is giving you a lot many more options to moderate and model the community without giving a fuck about "politically correct" shitgrafician
    • Anyway, other "social networks" did it with a lot many less people and everything was fine, so all these idiots commenting on Elon is nonsensegrafician
    • So all this shit is BECAUSE of Elon, not really about twitter

      You can't spit in the man's face and still demand he follows your tweets on HIS private network
    • it has always been "algorithmically enhanced" free speech subject to "terms of service" eLoN can do whatever he wants and you are correct about that.jonny_quest_lives
    • Anyway, twitter was so badly run BEFORE Elon he needs to actually cut even more people to get a good team to run this placegrafician
    • 7000 idiots to run a network and no changes in basic functionaly in like a decade? fuck off
      Again, Zuck fired 10K last week
    • I can also applaud ex Twitter engineers walking out on him for doing the calculus that 3 months severence might be a better deal than overworked/understaf...jonny_quest_lives
    • nobody cared! Facebook still runs, influencers still there

      Anyway, I digress
    • twitter 2.0 will certainly be a management case study either way it plays outjonny_quest_lives
    • just don't understand the right's fixation of attacking twitter employees as some sort of secret cabal of leftists prohibiting "free speech"jonny_quest_lives
    • "7000 idiots "jonny_quest_lives
    • Yeah everybody thinks they're entitled to something on twitter

      Everybody is expendable in tech, people really do forget that
    • ^ Case in point: https://qbn.com/repl…grafician
    • "no changes in basic functionality"jonny_quest_lives
    • soo what do you think happens inside Twitter when say 500,000 users decide to post HD clips of world cup goals simultaneously?jonny_quest_lives
    • Zero degradation in service since Elon's take over, so business as usual

      But all that would be posted on tiktok first I bet
    • I am putting my money on head of lettuce...jonny_quest_lives
    • https://pbs.twimg.co…jonny_quest_lives
    • With all due respect you commented a lot but really didn't say muchgrafician
    • what's there to say? you seem to envy these people who were employed at twitter who made an income with their skills as lazy idiots?jonny_quest_lives
    • As in adding anything useful to the discussion

      And no, why tf would anyone envy entitled former twitter employees
    • I doubt many of them will be hired again soon, as the market is flooded with ex-hires from Facebook, Amazon, etc. way more valuable people and ex-twittergrafician
    • well the crux of your discussion seems to be based on the premise that all tech companies are overstaffed...jonny_quest_lives
    • and eLoN is some sort of genius for being the first begin the white colloar cull.jonny_quest_lives
    • But probably @nb's company will hire everybody ex-twitter as he said recentlygrafician
    • and again you load your statements "And no, why tf would anyone envy entitled former twitter employees"
    • so there is no discourse to be had.jonny_quest_lives
    • Under private management you don't need to grow anymore, no more pressure so no more useless hiring to fill spots - just the stricly necessary to run the placegrafician
    • Anyway, again, this is common knowledge, but not here so yeah

      If anybody would add something useful, if not, I'm out
    • so where it stands is you believe twitter staff of a publicly traded company pre elon purchase were both "entitled" as well as "lazy"jonny_quest_lives
    • so yeah i am the one who added nothing usefuljonny_quest_lives
    • That is the common opinion now amongs a lot of people, like I said this was common knowledge. Elon is mocked by peasants while everybody who gets it carry on.grafician
    • i already agreed eLoN can do what he wants... just hope he has that $1billion check ready for Morgan Stanley... they want their interest paymentsjonny_quest_lives
    • But no worries, all this will fade quickly in the shadow of the next outrageous thing like the new Qatar World cupgrafician
    • It's all ironic the amount of criticism from the likes of people who don't even have twitter acounts.grafician
    • Nobody would care about twitter if it wasn't for their envy/hate of Elon

      It's quite spectacular this show
    • But as Hadji would say "sim sim salabim" and everything will be finegrafician
    • https://youtu.be/3jV…jonny_quest_lives

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