
Out of context: Reply #646

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  • shapesalad1…

    Global Banks Partner With New York Fed for 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot.

    It was announced today that a pilot program to test various banks’ utilization of digital dollar tokens is proceeding. The banks involved in the program include Citigroup, Mastercard, Wells Fargo, and others.

    A statement, first reported by Reuters, noted the banks involved and what the project will entail. The New York Fed noted, “The project, which is called the regulated liability network, will be conducted in a test environment and use simulated data.”

    Specifically, the endeavor these banks and the New York Fed will attempt to quantify the impact of digital dollar tokens. Specifically, how their presence “in a common database can help speed up payments.”

    Just when you thought Crypto was dead... the parents want in on the action.

    • I bumped into an old (extremely successful) friend I've not seen for years last week. He is working with big banks and helping them gear up formicrokorg
    • fuckin' with crypto. Seemingly the banks are of the opinion crypto isn't going anywhere.microkorg
    • ^ "last week" LOLgrafician
    • < chill shape, no blockain in sight, move this to the capitalism thread mate, this is not crypto :)))grafician
    • you move it, i'm busy, sorry.shapesalad
    • welcome to the forex chat mate :))grafician
    • I'll likely see him tonight again Graf, I'll get an update for you.microkorg
    • graf, all is good btw. caught up wed night. banks a little shaken but still cracking on. banks used to shit happening with bad players.microkorg

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