The Russia thread.

Out of context: Reply #942

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  • PhanLo0

    My father in-law was stationed in Berlin during the 70's, he talked about how poor the Russian soldiers were and how bad their uniforms were, badly patched boots etc.

    They'd often be around them at border points, just bored with nothing for entertainment, other soldiers in his regiment would throw cigarettes at the Russians and they would fight each other to get them. He said they'd really hit each other, like it wasn't fun, more desperation.

    Seems not much has changed.

    • The Ruskies also had a reputation for raping local women in (East) Berlin with absolute abandon.Continuity
    • The concentration camp stories about them getting liberated by the Germans to then have the Russians come in and start raping the women is the darkest timeline.PhanLo

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