
Out of context: Reply #3330

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  • mg331

    I got the new AirPods Pro a couple weeks ago and I like the fact that the noise canceling effect is... quieter. It's less of a hiss than the first gen had.

    Also nice, and not a feature specific to the new ones, but I'm using the medium sized ear tip for the first time, and had used only the large with my previous pair, because one of the medium tips ripped when trying to install it. Medium fits better, I occasionally have to press the left one in a bit to keep a good seal, but they feel almost like they're not even in my ear.

    • Tell us more about your earsnb
    • Tell us more about the waxy ear sweat you get after you wear them for a good few hours.shapesalad
    • I hear ya!utopian
    • hear hear!desmo
    • I just upgraded from an iPhone 8 to a 14 an got the pro pods. They are real good but man I still struggle with how much they cost.thumb_screws

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