America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #2461

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  • mg333

    A bit more Texas specific, but relevant. This all hit me earlier this week.

    The more insane Texas gets thanks to weak-minded, selfish, frightened white Republican men, the more I understand why I was so confused as a teenager and college student by Florida Cuban’s love of Cuba despite the hell it was thanks to Castro. Especially during the saga of Elian Gonzalez being returned to his father in Cuba.

    I get it now: those people loved the idea of Cuba, and the fact that Cuba was their homeland. They just hated the leader and when waving flags and celebrating their heritage, they weren’t celebrating Castro. They were celebrating the idea of Cuba.

    As a Texan who loves the state I was born in and still calls home, have made an infinite number of memories in, a state that offers some of the most beautiful landscapes and natural diversity of any, a state with some of the best food you can find in America, a state typically presenting an abundance of hospitality and friendliness (especially before political division and the MAGA era made us all loathe each other for our differences), I GET IT. I can celebrate my Texas heritage and all the things above, while absolutely despising the governor and other leaders who are turning it into a backwards-looking, oppressive, ignorant, failure of a state BY DESIGN, simply because a bunch of white men can’t stand equality, are obsessed with guns, and want to keep the populace stupid to achieve their goals.

    It all makes so much sense now.

    • We just need people like you that will fight to change it. It's possible. I pray today motivates many to realize doing nothing is not an option anymore.formed
    • Wake up...utopian

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