
Out of context: Reply #6089

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  • Chimp-4

    Dr José María Fernández Sousa-Faro head of a big pharma company paid not to be injected with the vaccine, along with 2200 others. What does this doctor of biochemistry know that we don't?…

    • he's been promoting one of his own drugs for treatment https://en.wikipedia…kingsteven
    • Interesting but why pretend he took the vaccine?Chimp
    • So that people don't think he's an anti-vax c*nt? And if he doesn't trust other pharma companies then why should others trust his?microkorg
    • If there's one thing we've learned over the past few years it's that scientists and doctors can also be idiots.yuekit
    • And some of them fall for maybe he's just an anti-vaxxer like a lot of other people.yuekit
    • I know more young healthy people that have died from the vax than covid.Chimp
    • yuekit so you only trust the scientists that support your world view?Chimp
    • Sudden Adult Deaths "baffle" doctors.…Chimp
    • At some point you're going to have to admit that the mRNA vaccines weren't safe.Chimp
    • Here it is in black and white. The mRNA vaccines didn't help. https://brownstone.o…Chimp
    • No I don't but if you search enough you can find scientists saying pretty much anything...climate change isn't real, COVID came from outer space...yuekit
    • Here's a science paper, does that mean it's automatically true?
    • And even aside from insane views like that it can be hard to prove things in science, so you have to stay skeptical and not just go with the one that supportsyuekit
    • what you want to believe. Most scientists don't think the vaccines are dangerous or that they don't work. Are there some side effects? Yeah but the study youyuekit
    • posted, what does it actually say? It says that for every 100,000 people, 2.7 people got myocarditis. Meanwhile among people who actually got COVID, an extrayuekit
    • 11 people had myocarditis. So COVID is more likely to give you heard problems than the vaccine, at least according the study you posted yourself.yuekit
    • Nope, read it again. It says the mRNA vaccine made no difference to all cause mortality compared to the other traditional vaccines.Chimp
    • I know it's hard when the science goes against your religious beliefs but do try to use common sense here.Chimp
    • lol I don't really care that much...I actually took the other type of vaccine myself. But I was talking about the first article you posted about how the vaccineyuekit
    • is dangerous...the Spectator tries to make it sound that way but the study they link to actually shows only a tiny difference.yuekit
    • Also the one about "SADS" mentions that this goes back all the way to the early 20th century...did they have mRNA vaccine back then?yuekit
    • As far as second study goes...
    • A vaccine against COVID isn't supposed to protect against "all cause mortality" but just against COVID...which it does according to the study.yuekit
    • I know more young healthy people that have died of the vaccine than Covid.Chimp
    • That sucks, sorry to hear but these studies you posted still don't prove it's dangerous for most people.yuekit
    • I don't know anyone who has died from either BTW...yuekit
    • If people are being killed by the vaccine, that means it's not safe.Chimp
    • Playing Russian roulette isn't "dangerous for most people".Chimp
    • Actually playing Russian roulette you have a decent chance of blowing your brains out each time, the vaccine is not anything like that.yuekit
    • Whatever way you look at it the vaccines aren’t safe, have killed people and didn’t lower overall mortality. Simple facts.Chimp
    • So you would have preferred Sinovac over the mRNA ones? Did you take vaccine yourself?yuekit
    • https://www.thelocal…yuekit
    • ^ This article says 51 million doses of Pfizer vaccine were given out in Spain. 221 people had heart issues, 3 died.yuekit
    • Meanwhile COVID-19 killed 100,000 people in Spain...and has long-term impacts including on your brain and heart.yuekit
    • yuekit, I know 2 people that have died of the vaccine, there are many more than 3.Chimp
    • I know 2 people that now have reoccurring shingles since the vaccine. The doctors basically ignored them.Chimp
    • did you not read the paper stating that the mRNA vaccines didn't lower overall mortality? Why don't you believe the science?Chimp
    • @yuekit why take a vaccine to a virus you have natural immunity to?Chimp
    • Why do you say a virus I already have immunity to? I never got COVID.yuekit
    • Or you mean you got COVID first and never were vaccinated? Yeah I think that's fair.yuekit
    • But given the choice you'd definitely rather have had the vaccine first. There are studies showing long-term impacts of COVID on the brain, heart etc.yuekit
    • And vaccines clearly make it much milder. It makes no sense to be worried about the vaccine but not the original virus.yuekit
    • You could also question the long term effects of the vaccine. The truth is, no one really knows.Chimp
    • So if you've already had the virus, it's probably safer not to vaccinate.Chimp
    • Yeah based on what I've read having COVID will give you better protection. It's not that the vaccine is risky, you probably just don't need it.yuekit
    • And you can't ignore numbers like this…
    • True but this graph ignores the injuries and deaths caused by the vaccine. I don't think we'll ever know the real number.Chimp
    • I think it would have been more sensible to just target the vulnerable rather than one size fits all and restricting human rights so everyone took it.Chimp
    • What they did in Austria clearly violated the Nuremberg Code and human rights.Chimp
    • "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."Chimp
    • Yea I'll agree with you in some cases it went off track. But over 60% of the world has been vaccinated, literally billions of people got the mRNA vaccines.yuekit
    • If there are significant side effects, where are they? We'd be talking about millions or hundreds of thousands, I think it would be impossible to hide.yuekit
    • June excess deaths in England: 17.5% increase on 5 year average.…
    • Percentage of deaths involving Covid: 2.4%Chimp
    • “ 1,943 excess deaths); of these deaths, 334 involved COVID”. I’m not sure what’s driving the non Covid excess deaths.Chimp
    • https://www.statista…yuekit
    • You can see the number changes all the time...not sure how significant that is.yuekit
    • And the irony is out of these three options: natural immunity, traditional vaccine or mRNA vaccine the mRNA is actually the most minimal.yuekit
    • You're not injecting yourself with a virus, just getting your cells to produce a certain type of protein to develop immunity, then it's gone from your system.yuekit
    • So how would that kill someone years later? If anything question might be is it effective enough, does the immunity actually last for years?yuekit

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