
Out of context: Reply #6086

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  • yuekit0

    This is also interesting...a flyer of one of the Huanan Market animal sellers.

    If you look closely at the bottom you can see it says "www whdaz com". And if you search on archive, it turns out the site is still there...…

    You can see they were selling pretty much every possible animal from crocodiles to peacocks to camels...but also civets and raccoon dogs, which are the same species that were the source of the SARS-1 outbreak.

    But somehow, the people behind this operation never had to answer any questions and the media never noticed any of this.

    • China was super transparent about the whole thing and completely told the truth.
    • These people are at least 1000 years behind the times.utopian
    • There is far more evidence that it came from the lab than the market.Chimp
    • probably because it came from the nearby bio lab that was built in partnership with the french who pulled out in disgust at how badly the chinese managed it.shapesalad
    • There is not far more evidence it came from the lab...I've followed the whole thing closely and that's just not the case.yuekit
    • What happened is that a bunch of speculations and pseudoscientific FUD got cranked out...much like the debate over ivermectin etc.yuekit
    • It took actual scientists a while to get around to responding to/ debunking all these claims...the "bullshit asymmetry principle" basically.yuekit
    • Here's a recent article that debunks almost all the lab leak arguments for instance...
    • And a study by scientist who investigated the origin of HIV where he mapped the early cases and showed overwhelming likelihood it came from the market...yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • He showed that multiple strains of the virus were present at the market...unlikely if it leaked from the lab on other side of the city.yuekit
    • They even traced samples of the virus to a single animal cage where raccoon dogs, which are proven to be able to transmit SARS-2, were sold.yuekit
    • you could always write them a strongly-worded 19-page letter, outlining your concerns.face_melter
    • You mean concern about accidentally starting a pandemic that killed millions of people? No one's perfect I guess...yuekit
    • You have to very stupid or extremely naive to believe it came from nature.Chimp
    • yuekit, have you not seen all the evidence of corruption and bad practices with the ivermectin trial? Anyway, keep on taking the Kool-Aid.Chimp
    • lol chimp name checks out, tighten that tinfoil hat._niko
    • if you look at all the evidence, weigh it equally, it all points to nature. Occam's razor_niko
    • What's your problem with peacock and camel meat?Khurram
    • Or even crocodile for that matter...Khurram
    • Ooh, eek! they eat such funny things!Khurram
    • whats with you guys and biolab?!
      it's in wuhan! it's in ukraine! it's everywhere!
    • @Khurram nothing inherently wrong with it I guess, no weirder than some of the stuff people in the West eat. The trouble is when you keep animals on farmsyuekit
    • in terrible conditions, or stack them in cages at a market like this, they often spread viruses among each other and to humans, and then...yuekit
    • Well we just lived through the consequences... did you enjoy so much you want the same thing to happen again?yuekit
    • Actually the Chinese gov itself seems to recognize this was a bad idea, after the outbreak they quietly shut down the entire wildlife farm industry.yuekit
    • https://www.theguard…yuekit
    • yuekit your low level of intelligence is surprising. You can only post links to lefty media well know for being biased.Chimp
    • I bet you still believe Saddam Hussein had WMD and Edward Snowden is a terrorist.Chimp
    • lol...yeah because that's what people on the left believe right? What you are talking about, stop monkeying aroundyuekit
    • yuekit, chill, you're obviously triggered by this. Put your mask on and find a safe place.Chimp
    • Lol do you have anything original? "Woooo you're so triggered!!" How old is that? That's all you do when you got nothing to say lolpango
    • "Put your mask on" damn that's brutal.
      Oh yeah well why don't you...
    • Go swing from a tree somewhere, eat a banana, go fling some poop around. Just don't go to Wuhan, you might end up as dinner.yuekit
    • "You have to very stupid or extremely naive to believe it came from nature." lol what in the fuck. Viruses mutating like a virus is exactly what viruses do.inteliboy
    • Haha I love how you guys get so offended when the evidence goes against your narrative. Put your mask on and calm down.Chimp
    • I was just messing around Chimp.. but in all seriousness do you really think you can dismiss scientific findings because they are covered in the New York Times?yuekit
    • And that the NYT and Guardian are "lefty media"? Center left at best I'd say, not that it matters. I think you need to evolve your thinking...yuekit
    • Lol why would I be offended? It's Fucken CCP's skin not mine. Are you projecting cuz people called your statement dumb?pango
    • You do that every single time lol whenever you can't back up your argument or people simply disagree with you. "Ohhhh your guys are so triggered"pango
    • You can't even sass good lolpango
    • lol @ calling someone stupid for thinking a 100% naturally occurring virus like thousands of others is natural. Fucking grow up chimp.monospaced
    • Mono, I think you need to just look at the facts. Most intelligent people can see this escaped from the lab.Chimp
    • can you proof "most intelligent people can see this escaped from the lab" ? otherwise you're just pulling facts from thin air.pango
    • sorry. too many qanon screaming "just look at the facts man!" really need to double check em screaming look at the fact but provides none.pango
    • Of course you can't totally rule out anything but the evidence right now doesn't point towards that...I think pango is right people have a weird fixation withyuekit
    • biolabs and lab when the Omicron variant appeared some people also tried to say it came from a lab.yuekit
    • and then "the biolab in ukraine was the real reason russia invaded!" sound like the shit posting troll thought "oh the first one worked. let's try it again"pango
    • Yeah it was like Putin was responding to consumer demand, he just looked around and saw how apeshit people go over lab leak conspiracies, why don't I try thisyuekit

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