
Out of context: Reply #73656

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  • inteliboy0

    ^ @scara and openai

    "Write a short screenplay about a homeless girl who is a shapeshifter."

    INT. HOMELESS SHELTER - NIGHT A group of homeless girls huddle around a fire in a makeshift shelter. One of them, a young girl with dirty blond hair, looks up at the moon. She suddenly shimmers and transforms into a wolf. The other girls gasp as the wolf runs off into the night.

    CUT TO: INT. FOREST - NIGHT The wolf girl runs through the forest, her senses heightened. She can smell prey and starts to hunt. She finds a deer and brings it down, devouring it hungrily.

    CUT TO: INT. HOMELESS SHELTER - NIGHT The wolf girl returns to the shelter and changes back into a human. The other girls are asleep. She curls up in a ball and falls asleep.

    CUT TO: INT. CITY STREET - DAY The girl is walking through the city, begging for money. People pass her by, not even sparing her a glance. She's dirty and Hungry. She sees a McDonald's and her stomach growls. She goes inside and orders a burger and fries. She sits down to eat and sees a group of girls her own age laughing and joking. They have clean clothes and full stomachs. The girl feels a pang.

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