
Out of context: Reply #73646

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  • SimonFFM0

    It took me a long time to find ear plugs that work best for me. Still last night I woke up three times because someone was vomiting in my room.

    The hotel acoustics here cannot withstand British party people. The ear plugs silenced their conversations (which were basically them screaming their names all the time) but the vomiting sounds were nasty. To them they were so normal they didn’t even interrupt their party.

    Recently I have learned there are park runs and healthy people in the UK, too, and it was happy to hear, because yesterday I saw more drunken people than sober ones.

    The reason for this must be that I am in holiday places when I work. Wish me luck for my shoot today. I just saw the instagram story of my model and she was out and up late.

    • Wear expensive noise cancelling headphones over the earplugs. Add relaxing, drone music.nb
    • Good lucknb
    • The hotel itself is nice but unfortunately season opening of clubs was earlier than it used to be (due to a pandemic break of two years). I will survive.SimonFFM
    • Prefer the club sounds over the vomitting noise though...SimonFFM
    • And you wonder why I want to move to the Azores..,.shapesalad
    • ^ LOLoey_oey
    • I like the Azores. Just cannot work there.SimonFFM

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