
Out of context: Reply #73641

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  • Nairn2

    My year and a bit old boots have worn down soles which have begun wearing into the internal cavitations, so I've had wee stones sneaking it and jostling around, annoying my walks to work.

    I looked into getting them re-soled, but the cheapest I saw was £70, with most prices towards £90-100, so then thought "I can do this" (I likely could not) so looked on eBay for replacement soles, and added in the type of boot I had to ensure correct response and.. oh. Someone's selling a pair of boots they've "only worn for an hour" (yeah, right) and so be-cidered Nairn made an offer ten pounds under, for £70 and BOOMPH, accepted. Paid and today delivered.

    And now I have a pair of essentially brand new boots that don't look like they're even been worn for an hour even and which cost me £120 less than I'd normally pay for a new pair.

    I've contacted the seller to offer them the ten pounds back, as I feel a bit guilty, but fucking hell, I never expected to be happy at buying second hand shoes, never mind from bloody eBay.


    Still a bit irritated that the boots I'm wearing have a failed me after two winters - I usually replace them on the third winter, bunch of bastard.

    • need a pic of you in them with your cargo shortsfadein11
    • You're already half-way there. You can finish off in private...Nairn
    • cider. man bun.beard. boots. cargo shorts (well, when summer comes..)

      oh jeez. kill me now.
    • no wonder my in-laws are so disappointed.Nairn
    • hahafadein11
    • Get yourself down to Brodie’s and get them fixed…
    • You big cheapskate.shapesalad
    • Got mine resoled there. Great chap and service. Money well spent.shapesalad

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