Russia-Ukraine Invasion

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Gnash1

    (Not sure if Reddit link works)

    “ Russian tank runs out of Fuel, gets stuck on Highway Driver offers to take the soldiers back to russia. Everyone laughs. Driver tells them that Ukraine is winning, russian forces are surrendering and implies they should surrender aswell”…

    • How do you just drive up to an invading tank and chat?Gnash
    • They're just young kids driving the tanks. when you look eye ball to eye ball with a stranger = very hard to kill them.shapesalad
    • They see the absurdity of it all, and they’re basically the same shit and neither side wants to fight really_niko
    • I think one side REALLY wants to fight, but only because it fucking has to, because of some nutter neighbour.Nairn

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