- design cynicism

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  • Bluejam0

    Design is about making things better. So in that respect it's easy to see how us designers are cynical. We see a world in which we think we can do a better job.

    That's not a bad thing, it's a mark of how passionate you are about what you do.

    However design these days is in a bad shape, plagued by an illness that just won't go away. In fact it's getting worst.

    This illness is called marketing.

    Marketing thinks it's design. It thinks that ideas are generated and produced by numbers, facts and figures sucked out of such things as 'focus groups' and 'market research. It 'knows' what the client needs, it really does try to deliver a message that everybody is SO interested to hear. It thinks design is it's servant and it completely digs rotating 3d logos.

    The only problem is that marketing never takes a chance, never takes a risk.

    Design is all about taking risks.
    And that's why design will...


    The revolution will be so much more than a sound bite.

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