- design cynicism

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • exador0

    kinda depends on your perspective...
    when i started out, in the early 90's, things were just crawling out of the recesion, and it was brutal to get a job..things were tight, no one was hiring, and what work you could get payed like crap.
    That alone quickly seperated those that loved the work and those that wanted a quick buck.

    the last few years have been pretty interesting to watch..
    a whole new generation of designers came on to the scene during a gold rush.
    folks were starting jobs at UNHEARD of wages, making big bucks, renting crazy loft apts, and acting like big spenders...
    which is natural to do of course...when lifes a party..ya party...dig?
    but then things didn't work out like we all thought, and the dotcom scene imploded, leaving things much as they were before..
    those that really loved it, and were good, and new a thing or two survived...moved to print, broadcast, whatever..just kept designing..
    those that had gotten used to the big bucks from the dotcom scene were of course, a tad pissed that the party didn't last forever...
    which is natural..
    nothing sucks more than the rug being pulled out from under you..

    keep your wits about you
    dont' over spend
    live within your means
    work hard.
    dont' get burnt out (which is VERY easy to do)
    make connections and network as much as possible.
    and you CAN make design a very nice career...

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