
Out of context: Reply #648

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  • Nairn4

    I was elated to find chicken mince in Waitrose supermarket the other day - chicken mince isn't particularly common in British supermarkets, for some reason.

    Set about making some kofte kebabs last night, prepped all the non-meat stuff - which involves a lot of fine chopping of parsley and peppers and onions, never mind all the salad and veggie side dish stuff - got the chicken out of the fridge and opened it up and BY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT STENCH?

    Super-strong sulphurous boiled egg smell. I've never in all my years smelt something that strong or like that from what was clearly tainted or rotting chicken. Check on internet and... oh, sweet joy - looks like it's salmonella. Woop.

    So, throw the shit away and spend a wee while swearing, wondering if I should just go get pizza as my daughter (who I was looking after alone whilst my partner was out on the piss) was getting hangry.

    I think 'fuckit' and chop up some chicken thighs and then put them through the blender.

    Should have done that years ago! No need to buy chicken mince, it worked a treat.

    Now thinking about buying a manual grinder/mincer.

    But first, an email to Waitrose.

    • Sucks your food was tainted, but mincing chicken with a food processor works fine, I use it for my steamed chicken dumplings. Congrats on your revelation :)BuddhaHat
    • gott in himmel who on earth would risk buying processed raw chicken from a supermarket? i won't even touch the jointed stuff - just awful.hans_glib
    • (and thigh meat is so much tastier anyhoo)hans_glib
    • but why not lamb - isn't that the authentic meat for köfte?hans_glib
    • also, send that stinking shite back to waitrose, let them deal with it.hans_glib
    • @hans: I'm a pleb. You should know this by now. Waitrose have offered to send me a gift card. Don't like lamb. Always eat chicken thighs. ALWAYS.Nairn
    • What were your search terms?
      "chicken smells like sulphurous boiled egg""

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