Vid of the Day

Out of context: Reply #32751

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  • cannonball19780

    • My parents live 10 mins from that cave.Hayzilla
    • Do you think it had any bearing on how your personality turned out?Nairn
    • It turned out just fine thanks.Hayzilla
    • Always angry Nairn. Always trying to put people down.Hayzilla
    • lol, pot and kettle much? Only you and three others, darling. Strangely, the four who are apt to put other people down for no reason...Nairn
    • Show me an example of me putting anyone down on here.Hayzilla
    • You've been hanging off my balls ever since I questioned watching TV on a warm summer's afternoon years back.Nairn
    • I haven't interact with you in years. Let's just keep it like that. You are a negative person I'd prefer not to hear from.Hayzilla
    • So you're going to stop prodding me, then?

      Good news!
    • and btw "I haven't interact with you in years" is quite patently a lie, as you well know. Signed a yoghurt warbling, biscuit weaving hipster cunt. Apparently.Nairn
    • Maybe one or two ripostes a few years ago in response to your goading. Ya welly knitting twat.Hayzilla
    • Ok, so I checked. I've a long job processing, so had some time. Sad cunt! Turns out you were last an unprovoked 'bellend' to me 6 months ago.Nairn
    • That's it. Otherwise, we appear to have been getting on well, so I'm unsure why I had you on my short mental shitlist. Not that that in any way justifies beingNairn
    • ..a twat to you. Honestly, I wrote that last night drunk and thought it funny. Saw it first thing today and went 'blegh'. Then you responded.Nairn
    • So, I don't expect any change in your impression of me, but I apologise to you. Sorry. Shit of me. Perhaps I should take a wee rest.Nairn
    • Handshake EmojiHayzilla
    • Is someone going to comment on the cave thing?cannonball1978
    • hahah, sorry cannonball, lolNairn
    • I'll comment on it Cannonball. By sheer coincidence, a man cycled past me today who I know got stuck in there in 1995 for 12hrs! Had to be rescued.Hayzilla
    • BantsPhanLo

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