making beats

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  • spl33nidoru0

    I'm putting together a DAWless setup for fun and musical exploration, and I have around 2k to spend on synths.

    My initial plan was to cover my wants (70s-80s groove and pop + radiohead-ish exploration + goosebump inducing deepness and softness) with these :

    Behringer Odyssey (or Moog Mother 32)
    Minilogue xd (or Prologue)
    Reface dx or MODX6 or Opsix

    But I'm now wondering if for the same price going for a single possibly greater piece isn't a better idea, if only to fully lose myself into a single instrument.
    Prophet 6 / Jupiter-X / Super 6

    Input and recommendations much appreciated !

    • I would just say, if you do go the multi synth route, only buy one at a time and learn it before you buy the next one.mort_
    • ^ this - and buy second hand, most new synths drop in resale value quickly and remain at around half their original RRPkingsteven
    • i'd get a synth with an onboard sequencer that you can play over and a drum box. and an reverb/echo unit as well. but then i like layered textureshans_glib
    • Thanks guys. Right, these all have sequencers and I got a drum box. Will check 2nd hand for the big ones. Hard to contain myself but agree with 1 by 1 if multi!spl33nidoru
    • On the prophet tip, go for the 16 voice rev 2. I spent so much time comparing the P6, P5/10, and the Rev 2 (and my P08). They all sound the same.section_014
    • ^ good to know, thanks manspl33nidoru
    • The super 6 is fucking amazing.autoflavour
    • Buy modular and sell your houseautoflavour

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