
Out of context: Reply #72920

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  • shapesalad0

    So many years ago, in early 2000's a design friend copied over to my HD:…

    Adobe Font Folio 8.

    I'm pretty certain that friend had bought said fonts.

    I've never used these fonts, and it seems most of the fonts are old Postscript 1 type files etc.

    Anyway.. there are a couple of them I'd like to use in some low income prints I'm making... thoughts on legality of it all?

    Is it a big no no, or yeah sure. I'd be tracing over the type anyway.

    • oh pity the picture didn't show.shapesalad
    • Those were expensive back in the day !Gnash
    • Font file type has nothing to do with the font license. Most foundries have specific terms for using fonts in merch/prints tho, check before using.grafician

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