Out of context: Reply #390

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  • microkorg0

    The NFT platform HEN ( can host interactive works built in HTML5.

    Last night I wrote the first actionscript I've written in maybe 15-18 years in Flash (Now 'Animate'). It took me about 4 hours but eventually achieved a working prototype of exactly what I wanted to achieve to create generative interactive artworks.

    Not been this excited about web/art/interactive shit probably since the death of flash.


    If you struggle to navigate or 'get' HicEtNunc then check out
    It's a site using all HENs data but presents it in a MUCH better and searchable way! ;)

    • The platform can host works in HTML but can NFTs host them?
      Should I buy the NFT or a subscription to the platform?
    • NFTs are the Ivermectin of crypto. Everybody is talking about them but nobody is really talking about them.palimpsest
    • serious question, are you hosting assets on IPFS?fadein11
    • fadein11. HEN hosts the assets on IPFS. I don't do any hosting.microkorg
    • Palimpsest, the artwork for an NFT isn't hosted on the blockchain yet but that will come certainly for image/video. I'd hope HTML could be done too.microkorg
    • And probably the time will come were an NFT automatically transfers the rights for an artwork. But at the time an NFT is only an NFT.palimpsest
    • What does this platform enable you to do that simply doing this on the web doesn't? Serious question - it sounds like it's adding some functionality?Nairn
    • And at the time we are only buying and selling NFTs, if we are clear on that I have no problem with it.palimpsest
    • Yes, for the moment we are only buying and selling NFTs with an associated image.microkorg
    • "with an associated image"palimpsest
    • That is the point we don't agree with, and for some that is the main NFT selling point.palimpsest
    • Nairn, its a sales platform. Like using eBay/ETSY to sell rather than your own website. Already an audience using + searching on there.microkorg
    • The "artwork" takes no part in the transaction just as "happiness" takes no part in the transaction of buying Coca-Cola.palimpsest
    • Of course it would be easy to argue that happiness does in fact take part in that transaction but we all know what we're talking about here.palimpsest
    • @mk - ah, ok - I thought it was allowing you access to some kind of inate blockchain randomness, or something. As you were!Nairn
    • As in the experience of happiness inmediatetly precedes the act of buying Coca-Cola. Before opening the bottle you have already secured happiness.palimpsest
    • But, yes, they are selling you happiness and you are buying happiness. It's a transaction that takes place outside of the physical world.
      Live your truth.
    • The artwork is the objet a, the unattainable object of desire.

      I'm just here for the lulz.
    • I really have no argument and am fully aware of your points however I have no qualms with what an NFT is or is not.microkorg
    • As much as I agree with you, P, you're deep in https://gracecentury… country now.Nairn
    • I'll allow it.
      I know I got carried away at the end there.
    • I'll be honest with you, I'm sort of coming around to the concept. Not, at all, that I agree with it, but then I can't agree with owning the image of art anywayNairn
    • I have an art-dealer friend who, amongst other things, sells 'multimedia pieces' on USBs. This is 'valid'. It's equally ridiculous.Nairn
    • I suppose I agree with the singular, attributable nature of "Person X owns this property", like some grand internet database, but. Meh.Nairn
    • I suppose the difference with my art-dealing friend is that he doesn't put the digital source representation on the internet for all to share. Hmm.Nairn
    • I have some opinions on that, the first comparison that comes to mind is video pieces that don't depend on the means of projection.palimpsest
    • We should exchange on that further.palimpsest
    • I think I concur.…
    • Multimedia pieces on USB - Straight from the mid 2000's? ;)microkorg
    • While looking for an example of the best use of NFTs I remember having seen here I realized it was microkorg that had done it!…
    • This is the only piece I've seen that takes the medium into account. These NFTs are about the act of collecting itself.palimpsest
    • Add a "/" to the link above or try this one here:…
    • Thanks Palimpsest. Sadly that wasn't a success, sold like 3. As it's a 'scottish' thang the market was scots/scots ancestory so a limited market.microkorg
    • was a hard graft to get those sales, lost of social on twitter. but like you a lot of friends and colleagues (scottish) thought it was an awesome idea.microkorg

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