
Out of context: Reply #5271

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  • utopian3

    Don’t Negotiate With Trump’s Disease-Spreading Zombie Army

    What will it take for the American majority to stop being hijacked by the bad-faith politics of an increasingly radicalized GOP that will stop at nothing to promote death and achieve minority rule?

    Most of us in this country, who have chosen life during a pandemic, are asked to coddle the unhinged temper tantrums and violent extremism of a conservative base that continues supporting the Jan. 6 violent insurrection and attacking our voting rights, and is willing to sacrifice our children as canaries in the COVID coalmine to fuel their endless culture war during a pandemic that has killed over 600,000 Americans.…

    • so sad how people can self-indoctrinate with this sort of nonsense. you might want to take a serious look in the mirror if articles like this one appeal to youpr2
    • Couldn’t agree more, we coddle and ignore all the unhinged morons out there. The anti-maskers, the anti-vaxxers, the religious nuts, the Karens, the magatards_niko
    • ...The pillow dude etc and as absurd and as hilarious as this whole spectacle is, it’s also very, very dangerous and will lead to ruin. Enjoy the train wreck._niko
    • dat gif doeGuyFawkes
    • nothing pr2 wrote makes any sensemonospaced
    • You are a fall on nazi Putopian
    • For all of y'all anti-vaxxer, MAGA 4 Life, low-IQ inbred folks...those are genuine Trump covid tears falling from the MAGA clouds up in da heavens.utopian
    • How's your sister doing?Brabo_Brabo
    • Genuine question.Brabo_Brabo
    • She's starting physical rehabilitation, she has to learn how to walk again at 48 yrs old.utopian

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