Joke of the Day

Out of context: Reply #653

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  • _niko9

    just stumbled on a bunch of soviet jokes:

    A worker goes to Stalin and says "Comrade Stalin, there's so many potatoes they'd reach all the way to God!".
    Stalin replies "But God doesn't exist."
    The worker replies "Yes. Neither do the potatoes."


    A man in Soviet Russia saves up enough money to buy a car. He goes to the dealership, pays the money and signs the contract. The clerk tells him
    "Okay sir, Your car will be ready for you in ten years"
    The man replies
    "Morning or evening?"
    The clerk confused, asks him
    "Ten years from now what difference will it make?"
    The man tells him
    "Well, the plumber is coming in the morning"


    Two Gulag inmates are talking.
    "What's your sentence?"
    "Twenty years."
    "Twenty years? What did you do?"
    "I did nothing."
    "Well that is impossible."
    "Why is it impossible?"
    "Because you get ten years for doing nothing."

    • I read it in my fake Russian accentGuyFawkes
    • Me too and I even told them to my kids in a bad Russian accent. They didn’t laugh._niko
    • In Russia you don't tell jokes, jokes tell YOU.BK

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