Conspiracy of the day

Out of context: Reply #1036

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  • PhanLo1

    I was dropping some paint off to an old mate tonight, he's doing an art project on a skate park we used to hang out at and paint as teenagers.
    He was getting a lift home from another guy who used to skate there, another old friend. When he turned up, the guy went straight into chatting about new-woke and how vaccine passports were lame (this guy used to buy Alex Jones videos by mail order in the early 2000s).
    I haven't seen this guy in possibly 5 years and he opens with the '5G in Wuhan switch on caused Covid and was killing people in the streets there' theory but was also moaning that the virus wan't even real.
    Just as we were leaving I saw he had the flat earth logo on his van too.

    Total bin juice. Stay woke.

    • they are everywhere! The amount of Q stickers I see on cars here in San Diego is mind boggling.capn_ron
    • Total bin juice... I would laugh if it wasn't so scary! i know every country has these loons but the states has TOO many! Just about the guy that kill his...necromation
    • ...with a fishing spear because he thought they had 'serpentI ' DNA from their mom. I cant even fathom this level of lunacy.necromation

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