
Out of context: Reply #5136

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  • Ramanisky21

    • Regerts!utopian
    • that's the problem, it's not that they're afraid, it's that they think it's a hoax, some plot from a nefarious group and that they're too smart to fall for it_niko
    • Yasss! Jesus saves the day! Miracle.PhanLo
    • for every Joe AntiVaxer who is dying now there is Joe ProVaxer who had vaccine and is in the morgue now. But news doesn't talk about them.pr2
    • yeaaa faith! cuz that works : |futurefood
    • "They're all crisis actors...It's all an orchestrated elaborate hoax conducted by the radical left wing agenda" - Alex Jonesutopian
    • Pr2 is baaaacccccckkk!PhanLo
    • Where's your data pr2? Source that shit.FNP14
    • 2021+ years ago you might have sacrificed a goat or something, maybe a small child, but because Jesus was sacrificed for us, we just pray.shapesalad
    • That's how Jesus has saved lives. But overall she's an idiot....shapesalad
    • Pr2: it only has a 1% mortality rate, its just the flu!
      Also Pr2: the vaccine has a 1% mortality rate and the morgues are full!
    • How many died from vaccine and how many died from vivid? WHERE IS THE DATA?pango
    • Also yes people died from blooded clog caused by vax. And it was on the news. People also get blood clog from covid.pango
    • And hi. Welcome back!pango
    • *covid.
    • I feel sorry for the people who "do their own research" and become expert epidemiologists. Oh wait, no I don't.inteliboy
    • That’s not true pr2. There are millions of deaths from covid. There is a very low number of deaths from the vaccine or people vaccinated.monospaced
    • I think there were like 5 blood clot deaths worldwide? Breakthrough deaths are nearly nonexistent, if at all.monospaced
    • The chance of complications is lower than from vax. And also it's nothing you wouldn't have gotten from covid anyway if you don't die.pango
    • Jesus tried to kill you and your family. Think about that morons.monospaced
    • Wait I meant chance of complication from vax is lower than from covid.pango
    • If course it is. My many magnitudes it is lower. So much lower it’s almost non existent in comparison.monospaced
    • CDC data: 5k deaths from vaccines last year alone (almost all from covid vaccine).
      currently 5% of covid deaths in US is due to vaccine.
    • some of you have to spend less time on QBN and read science papers out there.pr2
    • of course a simpleton in the room will take the CDC's 5k vaccine deaths and try to compare it to 630k of covid deaths with zero understanding that a valid...pr2
    • ...comparison would be against covid deaths SINCE vaccine roll out. then it would be 5k against ~100k.pr2
    • but basic logic was thrown out the window long ago, so why am i stills trying???pr2
    • i don't see news crews interviewing all those mothers, fathers, husbands, wifes, sisters, brothers etc of the 5k who took the vaccine and are in the graves now.pr2
    • "Reports of adverse events ... following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.dorf
    • A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines."dorf
    • 4,000 deaths is not 5% of covid deaths. Your math is as stupid as your bullshit data.monospaced
    • It’s not news because you’re being lied to. It’s not real.monospaced
    • 6500 covid vaccine deaths in 6 months alone. (in US only)pr2
    • https://www.research…pr2
    • "only 14% of the cases for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death"pr2
    • Hey pr2...fuck off cunt.
      Can we ban this fucker?
    • pr2 being a dingus. forgets to add:
      For 203 of the 250 (81%) the vaccine may have been a factor in their death; however, many of these patients had one or more
    • chronic or age-related comorbid conditions. Finally, for at least 13 of the 250 deaths (5%) the vaccine was the most likely cause of death;dorf
    • let's give him the benefit of doubt. forget what dorf just said. corona death was averaging 1k a day vs vax death 6.5k in 6 months.pango
    • ... (in US only). which is worst?pango
    • Mindy Mindy Mindy...milfhunter
    • Study group was “made up primarily of those who are elderly or with significant health conditions.”monospaced
    • Also says that 1/3 of results are probably bullshit and this is just reports not science.monospaced
    • It is also lumping in the last 4 years of flu vaccines it appears. This is t a study on covid vaccines but really vaccines in general among the most susceptiblemonospaced
    • pr2, you cuntbabydick
    • pr2: "6500 is 5% of 617k, read the science" - fails to read the abstract hahahkingsteven
    • There are dozens and dozens of articles explaining how that VAERS data is not accurate and is being used my fucktards to spread misinformation.monospaced
    • Congrats, pr2, you're one of those moronic sheep who lives in fear and denies reality. I hope you don't beg for the vaccine when your time comes.monospaced
    • holy shit, guys i though it's only mono who has 2 brain cells working hard to keep him alive.pr2
    • i'm not even responding to the mono moron anymore, but i guess i have to put some other "stable geniuses" on the list too.pr2
    • in almost ALL covid/vaccine death cases comorbidity was a factor. fuck me guy, how dumb can you be not to understand it?pr2
    • 70% of the reports came from health care pros, not some jaded anti-vaxers. Guys, lift the self-inflicted blinders on the facts.pr2
    • in 5% of the cases, vaccines were DIRECTLY responsible. Shit, how much of an idiot you have to be what the implications of this statement are in context...pr2
    • ...of hundreds of millions vaccines distributed.pr2
    • 1k a day vs vax death 6.5k in 6 months in US only. Which is worse?pango
    • I'm sure your 6 yrs old can math that one out.pango
    • what you said is "5% of covid deaths in US is due to vaccine." - it's 5% of the 6500 deaths (where the vaccine was thought to be a contributing factor) that thekingsteven
    • vaccine was the direct cause of death.kingsteven
    • btw. i have a sub to researchgate, so if you want to misread the entire paper, rather than just the abstract... let me knowkingsteven
    • i missed the post where you said since vax roll out, but it is still a daft assumption given the seroprevalence indicated that 18% had covid before the roll outkingsteven
    • half the country vaccinated since (mostly over 65) and most of the deaths from the vaccine had other contributing factorskingsteven
    • here's the full VAERS interim results paper https://www.dropbox.…kingsteven
    • 5% (320) were direct deaths of vaccine, 67% (4300) were due to comorbidity with vaccine. There are dozens of "was anti-vaccine and now is dying,"pr2
    • examples in this threat. With 4300 people who were pro-vaccine but now are dead you would find more articles or video clips about those people.pr2
    • And yet you don't. The fact that no one on this forum questions what that is, is simply shameful.pr2
    • Seriously, i get that most fucks here don't know how to read the most basic science paper, but the fact that they don't engage the debate how media...pr2
    • ...grossly favor one debate over another is just mind boggling on a forum that is filled with media makers.pr2
    • I get that, it is very odd to read papers ie VAERS where they make direct comparisons to flu vaccine deaths, while 'it's not a flu' can shut down any comparisonkingsteven
    • in the public sphere. another example would be stating the YLL of 10.5 years to dismiss the idea that the majority of covid deaths were notkingsteven
    • premature mortality, when this is widely accepted in many models as a big contributing factor to pandemic waves. and using a simple calculationkingsteven
    • based on a standard life expectancy that has +/- 10 years between the rich and poor and at the same time acknowledging the wealth gap, acknowledgingkingsteven
    • the virus spreads to the elderly and infirm via healthcare workers, facilities and through undervalued front line workers etc. there is no meta-analysiskingsteven
    • its quite deliberately a trope to shut down discussion until that analysis is complete, but people do come to believe it unquestionablykingsteven
    • but using a time period to compare covid and vaccine deaths follows a similar theme of oversimplification, i can take any other metrickingsteven
    • (even double the serology case estimations) and knock that 5% down to <0.36%. and if you do any analysis of age you'll actually have to bring in some sort ofkingsteven
    • YLL or 'it's not a flu vaccine' argument of your own to maintain any statistical significance. i have unpopular posts on here from early in the vaccine roll-outkingsteven
    • where i was waiting to be convinced they are safe, from everything i've read - if you are healthy it is an absolute no-brainer to get the vaccinekingsteven
    • because not even factoring in any positive effects of the vaccine above. just deaths like an antivaxxer. but from all reports they are understated tookingsteven

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